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Louise talks about the personal rewards of this wonderful job as a carer

If you’ve ever thought that you want more from your job and you wondered what difference you could make in your local community then the answer could be right here. Become a CARER.

People become carers for many reasons – some describe it as a calling, others have seen what their loved ones have been through and some are just ‘born’ to do it. Whatever your need to explore this path (that can easily become a career), one thing is for sure is that you will reap the rewards of this wonderful job. Sure it’s hard sometimes – you might be tired, it might make you emotional but I promise you that nothing compares to that smile you see when you walk through someone’s home as they’ve been looking forward to seeing you. You are the only person they are going to see today. Think about that – put yourself in that person’s position. This job empowers you to make a difference for good.

It’s not rocket science – we can train you in all the skills you need but there’s one thing you need to bring and that’s an open and caring heart. Yes there are practical jobs to be done – helping someone to wash, making breakfast, tidying up, helping with medication but just as important is that human contact – a cup of tea, time to listen or taking our wonderful services users out.

This works wonderfully as a full – time job, a part time job or a second job – the beauty of it is the flexibility to work with you. So if you’re curious and want to know more or working in care and want to work for someone that respects you equally then get in contact and see what makes us different.